"Worktirement" is the moniker given to retirees working part-time jobs. The best cities for worktirees are typically smaller and warmer.
Ranked as 15 worst places for a worktirement are cities like Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, and Chicago. Indeed, the entire Northeast scored poorly as a worktirement destination. Warmer states like California, Florida, and Texas each had two cities in the SmartAsset ranking, and Phoenix made the list as well. The top city was Santa Barbara, Calif. because of its amenities like medical centers, retirement communities, and recreation centers, and because seniors make up about 17 percent of the population, with only a 1.3 unemployment rate.
The average American can expect to live nearly 79 years. That is a full 14 years after the typical retirement age of 65. While many Americans perhaps imagine themselves filling those 14 years of retirement in blissful leisure, many others decide to spend part of it working. If you are the type of retiree who knows they will be spending some time in retirement doing some extra work, you will want to make sure you settle down in a place with plenty of working opportunity for seniors.