BASF offers innovative technologies and provides tailored solutions for design and construction challenges. Through BASF's BEYOND High Performance® platform, their multi-disciplinary team of experts assist builders, developers, specifiers, architects and engineers in building more sustainably and affordably through the use of innovative chemistry and applied building science.
Code requirements and client expectations are demanding homes with higher levels of thermal performance and durability. BASF and Building Science Consulting Inc. tested the home performance of the 2 x 4 HP+ Wall System and 2 x 6 construction with full cavity insulation. The goal was to distinguish how thermal bridging, temperature effects, and airflow interactions compare between different wall systems. The findings may come as a surprise.
Minimize air leakage condensation
Condensation can form in some exterior wall systems during cold weather when moist laden air comes in contact with the cool surface of a wall. This condensation can create mold, compromising indoor air quality and even rot the framing in extreme cases.
The 2 x 4 HP+™ Wall System, by contrast, is designed for performance. The spray foam insulation minimizes air leakage condensation at the interior face of the spray foam by keeping the wall warm. In fact, research shows that systems like HP+ Wall System have 95% less risk of condensation compared to typical 2 x 4 framed wall with batt insulation.
Maximum energy efficiency and performance
The 2 x 4 HP+ Wall System provides an airtight enclosure component, which is key to creating an efficient and durable wall system. In fact, the energy required to heat or cool the tiny amount of air leaking through the HP+ Wall System is 98% less than the energy needed to heat or cool the air that leaks through the standard R-13 fiberglass insulated wall during standard unpressurized testing.
Also, the whole 2 x 4 HP+ Wall System thermally outperforms walls with full cavity insulations, even compared to 2 x 6 construction. Its effective R-value is closest to its labeled R-value of any of the tested assemblies.
BASF now offers wall systems for builders that achieve higher effective R-values, for more energy efficient homes. The wall construction is relatively straightforward, and BASF provides added reliability and confidence in the quality of the spray foam installation through their Quality Assurance Training Program.
Visit our website to read the full testing data report and see how a Virginia builder reached Net zero implementing the BEYOND High Performance Approach.