Remodelers are more optimistic than they've been about the remodeling market since 2005 according to our latest survey.
For our upcoming issue, we surveyed our readers on their outlook for next year and 64 percent said they expect business to increase in 2011, and only 15 percent expect it to decrease. We haven't seen numbers that good since the height of the housing boom.
The indicators are all there for positive growth in remodeling next year, but a lot is going to depend on what happens with foreclosures. The biggest driver is consumer confidence and unemployment and there's two pieces of good news on that front today: Gallup just released their latest unemployment projection, putting it at 8.8 percent, and ADP reported that private sector employment jumped by 93,000 in October after an upwardly revised 82,000 for September.
You can read more about the results of our survey and other outlooks on the industry in our December issue.