SG Blocks designs container-based structures for customers seeking durable, green, affordable dwellings. Such homes are popular in markets vulnerable to extreme weather events such as tornadoes and hurricanes.
The Brooklyn-based firm repurposes shipping containers, which exceed U.S. structural codes, and bills itself as, "a one-stop-shop construction platform." Paul Galvin, chairman and CEO of SG Blocks tells CNBC, "The beautiful thing about prefabricated construction is that while your contractor is doing the hole in the ground and the utilities, we're at the same exact time modifying the modules so that on Friday your foundation is finished and then on Monday, instead of having your general contractor show up for his first day, we start delivering 1,000 square feet an hour."
SG Blocks is working toward giving everyone their fair chance of reaching the American dream. In 2018 the company announced a partnership with Capital Plus. Capital Plus is heavily invested in first-time ownership in the Hispanic community. The partners are doing a test case for a 50-year mortgage for a container-based project, which will make owning a home more attainable.