At some point, most builders will lose a contract to a tech-savvy home buyer for one of two reasons: The salesperson does not know enough about the capabilities of the home network you offer, or the package you offer is insufficient for the buyer's needs.
Today it is the unusual buyer who will walk away from the sale for a lack of technology. Tomorrow might be a different story, forcing you to play catch-up on technology. That's why the Copper Development Association has produced Structured Wiring for Today's Homes, a CD-ROM featuring 51 video interviews with technology experts, leading builders, homeowners, installers and manufacturers. Using it, you and your people can get up to speed on home networking technology and make informed decisions about what you want to offer your market.
Structured Wiring for Today's Homes reviews everything from technol-ogy concepts and physical requirements to installation and builder cash flow. It's available free to home builders by contacting Bill Black at 800/232-3282.