Bill Carpitella |
All businesses have 80 principal organizational competencies that should be reviewed as to strength or weakness. These competencies are the work of years of research in multiple industries. The more compelling competencies include laying out clear accountabilities and consequences for everyone in the organization, using corporate culture as a tool for being more competitive, and organizing the business around customer requirements.
Once you determine your performance in these 80 competencies, you can determine which ones are critical for future business performance. The gap between poor performance in competencies today and the importance of those competencies tomorrow should be the focus of your strategic initiatives.
From this process, all compensation, performance standards, career paths, succession planning, promotion criteria and recruitment criteria are determined. Your employees will be focused and laserlike in their execution to move your business forward and support your vision, and they can be rewarded for that behavior. Everybody wins.
Bill Carpitella can be contacted at