A survey of 1,240 homeowners revealed that 69% are taking more initiative to enhance their mental well-being. Conducted by the New Home Trends Institute of John Burns Real Estate Consulting, the survey also found that 76% of homeowners are taking more steps to promote their physical health. The New Home Trends Institute’s DesignLens database features hundreds of housing projects, with many illustrating examples of how to promote wellness and connectivity. In South Carolina, New Leaf Builders designed side courtyards to create privacy while giving homeowners plenty of natural light, a garden view, and privacy from neighbors. Read more to see other examples.
High-density land plans make access to outdoors / open space and plentiful natural light (while maintaining privacy) more challenging.
Provide better access to nature and natural light, both of which have been proven to improve health.
Social isolation is on the rise, a trend only accelerated by the pandemic. Technology is an imperfect solution, only partially making up for rising amounts of time spent working and playing at home.
Create more communal spaces that enhance connections, without feeling like forced socialization.
We all crave a space where we can go to get some peace and quiet.
Create a sanctuary space.