Arizona-based home builder Fulton Homes became the first builder to rack up three of the Environmental Protection Agency’s partner of the year awards. Fulton won the 2020 Indoor airPLUS Leader of the Year - Builder Award, Energy Star Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award, and the WaterSense Builder Partner of the Year award. The family owned and operated business is the largest builder in Arizona, and says water conservation is a top priority.
The EPA recognized Fulton Homes over all other homebuilders in the country for going above and beyond in promoting the health benefits of an Indoor airPLUS home, according to a press release.
“We first joined the EPA’s Indoor airPlus program in 2014, and we are honored to be recognized twice as the national leader in building healthy homes,” said Dennis Webb, Fulton Homes’ vice president of operations, in a prepared statement. “We continue to be committed to building 100% of our homes in accordance with these rigorous standards set by the EPA.”
Fulton Homes first entered the EPA WaterSense program in 2019, and one year later won the Builder Partner of the Year Award in 2020.