Journalist Christopher Ingraham for Washington Post delves into housing stock data across the country. A map reveals what drives rent – or sales prices – higher. Read more PB Topical Ref features
features Sales of existing homes exceed new-home sales The Washington Post reports that sales of existing homes shot up in July, but sales of newly built homes fell.
features Why finding a newly built home for sale is a challenge Number crunch demonstrates how the share of new home sales has been off the norm for years.
features School quality affects home buying, even for households without children Two similar homes less than a mile from one another can have a price difference of $100,000
Market Data + Trends U.S. Housing Stock Not Prepared for the Rise of Singles More than a quarter of households in the U.S. now consist of one person living alone
Opinion Gentrification Driving Up Home Values Among Top Zip Codes For Price Appreciation Although rare, rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods share the common theme of having experienced large home value appreciation rates over the past decade
Education + Training Home Builders Institute's Schools to Skills Grant Application Open Through December