Set in a historic neighborhood, Stratford Heights, and across from the University of Cincinnati, this student housing community integrates six duplexes, seven stand-alone group homes, one apartment building and a central community building. This planned community redevelopment accommodates 696 students with fully furnished single-, double- and triple- bedroom suites.
Stratford Heights also features a convenience store; snack shop; sports bar; dining facilities; fitness center; recreation room; and television and study lounges for all residents. "The Stratford Heights community fulfills an ambitious vision to provide well-designed accommodations for individual students and student group living while enhancing the surrounding neighborhood," says Lawrence Suer, AIA for Cole + Russell Architects.
Category: Best Neighborhood 151 units and over
Project Name: Stratford Heights
Location: Cincinnati
Designer/Architect: Cole + Russell Architects, Cincinnati & Mackey Mitchell Associates, St. Louis
Builder: Miller-Valentine Group, Dayton, Ohio
Interior Designer: van Gils Interior Architecture, Cincinnati
Developer: Towne Properties, Cincinnati