Builders say there is a shortage of qualified labor, but economists say data shows otherwise. The Wall Street Journal’s real estate blogger Nick Timiraos explores where disconnect between anecdotal and research data lies. Read more PB Topical Ref features
features Home price growth slowed down in June Prices were up 7.5 percent for the year ended in June, in contrast to the 11.4 percent of June 2013.
Economics Labor Shortage Putting a Dent in Results of Large Home Builders Big builders say labor shortage is preventing them from keeping up with buyer demand
features Foreclosure crisis fades, housing market finds footing The foreclosure fade helps explain the eye-popping gains in sales volumes and prices witnessed in 2013.
features Increase in Home Construction Brings Restrained Optimism chief economist Jonathan Smoke maintains a “somewhat-rosy outlook” for 2015
features Home prices are closest to all-time high since housing bust Today’s home prices are not far off their previous peak in April 2007 – immediately before the housing bust.
features 5 charts show how home prices have slowed down Home prices aren’t rising as fast as they did a year ago, Wall Street Journal housing blogger Nick Timiraos reports.
Education + Training Home Builders Institute's Schools to Skills Grant Application Open Through December