On today’s installment of The Weekly, Janet Stephenson from building technology company Katerra talks to Pro Builder about the company’s vision to develop and deliver sustainable building solutions and the off-site construction debate.
For better or worse, Katerra has created a brand of disruption through prop-tech that either fascinates progressives or frightens the status quo in our industry. But, you might be surprised at what Katerra actually does, and how it looks at housing. Janet Stephenson, the company's Head of Building Platform Sales, offers great insight into what Katerra is ... and where it's going.
“We’ve evolved rapidly over the five years of our existence,” says Stephenson. “So it’s a very exciting place to be, and today at Katerra, we still have a very solid mission that hasn’t changed. And that’s to bring whole scale adoption of technology to our products and processes in the construction industry to make a greater efficiency in the overall delivery of construction.”
Watch the full segment below.
Watch more of The Weekly here.