The Internet is now zoned for aims to organize the residential building community into one concise, easy-to-use resource. Information partners in this new industry resource include Professional Builder, Professional Remodeler, Luxury Home Builder, Home Systems and a wide array of companies and associations.
Along with a news feed from Lexis-Nexis updated each business day by 2 p.m. EST, HousingZone launched with 10 main sections or houses. They are:
- Topics: Editorial and advertorial content broken down and organized into sales, building, management, design, construction materials, economics, home systems, legislation and regulations, affordable housing, and products. Content is searchable.
- Products: In the Buyers’ Guide, a user can search across entire product lines, or a single product type and obtain manufacturer information including contacts, sales channels and products offered. There is also a searchable new products database.
- How-to-choose/How-to-find: A complete listing of search engines to help users find builders, remodelers, contractors, architects, attorneys, house plans, new houses, old houses and much more.
- Associations / Government: Here builders can find information from the industry’s associations and government offices. Content provided includes award winners, certification, installation guides, funding applications, as well as links and contact information.
- Design Gallery: Includes complete coverage of the Best in American Living Awards (BALA), as well as articles on the latest design trends .
- Projects: Follow entire building projects such as the Show Village 2000 from the NAHB Builders’ Show, as well as a host of remodeling jobs and future housing developments.
- Education: HousingZone has constructed its own Virtual Campus. Courses include certification, product installation and maintenance.
- Events: A complete listing of the events that shape the industry plus links for travel and registration.
- Classifieds/Jobs: Users can exchange resumes, post and view available jobs, and scan for products and services.
- Store: Inside the store, builders will find links to purchase building products, house plans, books, and other merchandise.
Another key feature of HousingZone is the Zone-inTM search engine that searches over 3000 handpicked web sites within the residential building community.
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