Before entering the jobsite, some construction workers fill out health forms, receive daily temperature checks, and answer a series of questions related to symptoms. Though the process is put forth to keep employees healthy, employers should be aware that The Americans with Disabilities Act prevents employers from questioning their employees’ health, according to Construction Dive. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission outlines appropriate ways in which employees' health can be questioned in regards to COVID-19, but employers must be cautious to not violate their workers’ rights. Read more to find out ways employers can remain mindful of legislation while keeping their jobsites safe.
When workers arrive at a Skanska jobsite at the University of Delaware, they are asked a series of questions such as, “Are you experiencing flu-like symptoms?" and " Have you, or has anyone in your family, been in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19?” They also receive daily temperature checks before beginning work.
Now that moratoriums on nonessential construction have been lifted across the country, contractors are getting back to work with new protocols and provisions in place. One step that many companies have taken is to screen employees, subcontractors and visitors before they set foot on the jobsite for potential coronavirus-related symptoms.