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Not only does Pillar Homes take a unique approach to using their model homes, but they also take an often under-used approach to advertising. "We like to use a lot of co-op advertising," says Bohl. "The local utilities, manufacturers and developers like to give us co-op dollars as long as we use nice, substantial marketing pieces."

This situation comes from being recognized as a quality builder, and presents other opportunities. A local window supplier likes what Pillar Homes does so much that they feature large pictures of Pillar projects on the sides of their trucks, which travel all over the area. Jenn-Air appliances were used in another of Pillar’s models, and they were so impressed they used that model in their product photo shots.

"This all goes to subliminal advertising," says Chermak. "Even though it may not be our exclusive piece of advertising, it has really helped us with name recognition over our first five years."

Bohl points to another important aspect in helping Pillar Homes capture so much of the upper-income market in the western suburbs. Even though they advertise primarily in local publications in order to "micro-market," as Bohl puts it, they rely heavily on realtors to draw in potential buyers from outside the area.

"We’re real advocates of realtors," says Bohl. "We don’t butt heads with them because they really help us with the upper-income buyers."

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