Gypsum price inflation finally showed some sign of stabilizing during the first month of this year. Average prices were essentially unchanged between December and January, but gypsum product prices were still 19.7% higher at the beginning of 2000 than during January 1999.
Average lumber prices moved up another 0.8% during the first month of 2000. Lumber prices rose by a cumulative 2.8% between October 1999 and the first month of 2000, and were 6.1% higher this January than during January of 1999.
Prices of roofing materials and of structural steel products used in buildings were little changed in between December and January. For the year as a whole, average roofing material prices declined by 1.0% from their 1998 level - but began this year 1.2% higher than during January 1999. The average price for fabricated structural metal used in building construction was 2.9% higher during January 2000 than during the same month a year ago after registering modest inflation of 1.5% for full-year 1999.