Forty six percent of U.S. homeowners say they have given serious thought to adding solar panels at their home in the past year, according to a Pew Research Center survey. The share of homeowners considering getting solar panels is up from 40% in 2016, and has increased sharply among those living in the South Atlantic states from Delaware to Florida.
About 6% of U.S. homeowners say they have already installed solar panels at home. North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida are among the national leaders in capacity from large-scale solar projects, such as solar panel farms, but lag other areas for small-scale solar. Solar power advocates say that states in the south have not enacted policies to support the installation and use of rooftop solar panels.
Homeowners in the western U.S. lead the nation in home solar. Some 14% of homeowners in Pacific states and 17% of homeowners in the Mountain region have installed PVs.