The share of Millennials living at home with their parents is still growing, according to a new Zillow study, despite unemployment rates nearing historic lows.
Location was found to be a driving factor, as areas with higher housing costs typically have more young adults living with their parents. Zillow found that in Miami, New York, Los Angeles, and Riverside, Calif., the typical household spends 35 percent or more of their income on housing payments (cost-burdened homes), and more than 30 percent of these adults lived at home. In 2016, 56 percent of young adults living with their parents were men, and while 48.6 percent of these individuals were white, the share of black and Latino young adults living at home is growing at a faster rate since 2005.
It’s worth noting that a small, but meaningful, share of Millennials have [parents] living at their home, perhaps to take care of their parents as they age or to have help raising children of their own. But the share of young adults who’ve invited [parents] to live with them has stayed pretty constant over time, accounting for about one percentage point of all young adults living with mom. The growth in the share of young adults living with mom is driven by young adults who have stayed or returned to their childhood home.