Tom Lewis, president of T.W. Lewis Co.
Not convinced that tech toys like Palm Pilots are as indispensable as some purport them to be, some builders opt for the old-fashioned information carry-all: the briefcase.
Tom Lewis, president of T.W. Lewis Co. in Tempe Ariz., is one of those builders. Actually, he claims, he’s not really a home builder -- he doesn’t carry a toolbox afterall -- he’s a businessman. "It just happens that our product is homes."
Lewis says his briefcase is like his Bible -- it contains all the information he needs to get through his day. "I can access information more quickly than anyone I know. It’s all in here." Of course, for that very same reason -- it’s all in there -- he says he has to replace his battered briefcase every other year.
1. A standard point-and-shoot camera is a necessity for a visual chronology of projects.
2. Priority lists, Lewis says, make a lot more sense on real paper than on a Palm Pilot. With that, it’s easy to just delete and re-enter, but on paper he says the re-writing helps him to re-assess as he reorganizes. 3. Just a plain old notebook-with an area for business cards-keeps thought, contacts and other info in order. 4. An inbasket and outbasket organize Lewis’ take-home work. "Stuff I can blow through quickly, I do at my desk, but stuff that requires more time, I do early in the morning or late at night. When it’s done, it goes in the outbasket section."