Gold Bond brand 1-Inch Fire-Shield Shaftliner XP gypsum panels consist of a fire-resistant type X gypsum core encased in a heavy, 100 percent recycled purple paper on the face and back sides. Resistant to moisture, mold and mildew, the face paper is folded around the long edges to reinforce and protect the core. Panel ends are square-cut and finished smooth, while its long edges are double-beveled to make installation easier. Shaftliner XP panels are designed for use in construction of lightweight fire barriers for cavity shafts and area-separation walls in multifamily housing. The panels are key components in the I-Stud Cavity Shaftwall System and the H-Stud Area Separation Wall System. Circle
In My Own Words"Whenever we build multi-family homes, we always use National Gypsum 1-Inch Gold Bond Shaftliner XP, because it is a fire shield and is mold- and moisture-resistant. The latter features are key. Mold is on everyone's mind these days. When you're building multi-family homes, it can grow on panels between the units. Three to four years ago, before we switched to Gold Bond Shaftliner, we would have to scrub the mold off to make sure it was gone before we could close in the house. I'm sure there are builders still using regular shaft liner and going to great lengths to kill mold before they close in their houses. With this product, they wouldn't have to worry about mold, which is why we absolutely would not build a multi-family home without it."