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On Dec. 8, Employ Prince George’s, the Maryland nonprofit serving as the principal workforce development entity for the Prince George’s County Government, in collaboration with the Prince George’s County Workforce Development Board and the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 51, announced the opening of a new training facility in Lanham, Md., according to a recent news release.

The goal of the new Building Trades Career Center is to provide residents in the county with the necessary skills for careers with union employers in the construction industry. The center will offer a range of career coaching and job training services and will be home to training programs and apprenticeships for all unions within the building trades.

"We are thrilled to open this new center that will make Prince George's County a national leader in workforce development for construction trades," said Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks expressing her enthusiasm. "From our young people in career and technical education programs to returning citizens and veterans, we are committed to providing opportunities for all our residents to obtain good-paying jobs. We look forward to our continued partnership with local building trades unions to train the next generation of skilled workers in Prince George's."

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