2. Homebuilding Career Path Process: Currently being piloted in one division, in 2000 the program will be expanded. It segments job positions into three levels of expertise. By following defined prescriptions of performance, skills and training, associates can advance their level designation and receive a 10% pay raise in addition to normal cost-of-living increases. Associates desiring to map out vertical advancement can also do so by planning a course of personal development that follows the defined performance, skills, and training required for the desired position.
3. Management Development Program: The new top layer of Hovnanian’s organizational development efforts. It offers a more tailor-made plan for individuals to acquire skills, knowledge and training to advance to one of three management positions: construction manager, community builder, and area president. The program is offered on top of an associate’s Career Path designation and relies the same preset skills and performance benchmarks to determine individual advancement. Forty Hovnanian associates were selected to take part in the program in 1999. A new class will be formed in 2000.
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