OSHA is planning new regulations governing several workplace practices that will impact the construction industry in 2020. OSHA plans to issue a proposed rule in May that would amend parts of the cranes and derricks in construction standard. Revisions will include correcting references to power line voltages, broadening the exclusion for forklifts carrying loads under the forks from “winch or hook” to a “winch and boom.” Revisions would also clarify an exclusion for work activities by articulating cranes.
Other new rules will pertain to communication tower safety, welding in confined spaces, and occupational exposure to beryllium and beryllium compounds. Another set of rules would update the Hazard Communication Standard.
In November, OSHA says it plans to propose rules for post-incident drug testing and safety incentive programs. The agency is also expected to issue a proposed rule regarding personal protective equipment in the construction industry.