The Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued an updated list of COVID-19 resources from various federal and state agencies and nongovernment organizations on May 26. The information includes a construction-industry-specific webpage with coronavirus-related guidance for construction employers and workers.
It includes recommended actions to reduce the risk of exposure to the coronavirus. The recommendations include:
- Using physical barriers, such as walls, closed doors, or plastic sheeting, to separate workers from those experiencing symptoms consistent with the coronavirus
- Keeping in-person meetings (including toolbox talks and safety meetings) as short as possible, while limiting the number of workers in attendance
- Assessing potential exposures and circumstances in the work environment before worker entry
- Requesting that shared spaces in home environments where construction activities are being performed, or other construction areas in occupied buildings, have good air flow
- Staggering work schedules, such as alternating workdays or extra shifts, to reduce the total number of employees on a job site at any given time.
Read more here and here.