Nationwide, issued single-family permits in November increased 12.2% compared to the previous year, reports the National Association of Home Builders. In November 2020, permits reached 888,217, whereas, in November 2019, permits hit 791,452. Every U.S. region reported a year-over-year increase for single-family permits, while every region also reported a sharp decline in multifamily permits. The South experienced the highest growth of permits with a 14.4% year-over-year growth, and the Northeast saw the smallest increase with 8%. Vermont had the highest growth rate in the country, with a 37.8% increase.
Between November 2019 YTD and November 2020 YTD, 45 states saw growth in single-family permits issued while five states and the District of Columbia registered a decline. Vermont recorded the highest growth rate during this time at 37.8% from 865 to 1,192 while single-family permits in the District of Columbia declined by 19.6%, from 163 in 2019 to 131 in 2020. The 10 states issuing the highest number of single-family permits combined accounted for 61.3% of the total single-family permits issued.
Year-to-date, ending in November 2020, the total number of multifamily permits issued nationwide reached 429,734. This is 8.6% decline over the November 2019 level of 470,070.