Between December 2016 and December 2017, 817,319 single-family permits were issued in the U.S. The District of Columbia and 45 states had growth in single-family permits issued.
Texas and Florida were the states with the most permits issued year-to-date in December 2017. Texas was far in the lead with 114,094, while Florida had 83,911. The National Association of Home Builders' Eye on Housing reports that the 10 states with the most single-family permits issued accounted for 58.0 percent of all such permits issued. The District of Columbia had the fewest single-family permits issued, 352.
Twenty states recorded a growth above 9.6 percent but five states had a decline in growth. Hawaii had the highest growth rate during this time at 23.6 percent while single-family permits North Dakota declined by 9.8 percent. It’s important to note that the year-to-date figures are based on a sample of permitting offices. The annual data, which will be released later in the year, will reflect information from all offices.