Which cities in the nation are best for homebuyers to build wealth? CNN Money reports on a new study from Bankrate.com and shares results for the 18 markets analyzed.
“Some cities are better than others if you’re looking to build a nest egg,” the article says. “And no surprises here: The further you get from the $30 dinners and $40 Soul Cycle sessions of cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, the better you’ll do.”
While compiling the list, researches looked at average savable income after taxes and housing expenses, level of debt, quality of the labor and housing markets, and accessibility of efficient financial services.
The top 10 of the 18 markets analyzed are:
- Houston
- Washington, D.C.
- Cleveland
- Detroit
- New York City
- Dallas-Fort Worth
- Baltimore
- Miami
- Minneapolis-St. Paul
- Chicago