When schools closed their doors to students, in-person recruitment for trades came to an abrupt halt. The Associated General Contractors of California was already attempting to keep a presence on campuses in order to recruit Generation Z, part of a larger campaign aimed at getting more students into trade work, according to Construction Dive. The association had to toss the campaign aside and think quickly. And they did. Within two weeks, the campaign moved entirely digital, and it seems to be working.
When school closings made in-person recruitment impossible, ACG seized the opportunity to up its digital game, adding Instagram Live sessions and other online strategies that meet younger generations where they are, according to AGC of California Vice President of Workforce and Community Development Erin Volk.
Construction firms have kept their programs focused on the next generation up and running during this time, too. At Rosendin, one of the nation’s largest electrical contractors based in San Jose, California, managers ran training programs even during the height of the shutdowns. Its apprenticeship for electrical workers barely slowed down thanks to a blended learning program with a strong online component that company leaders implemented in 2018, said David Elkins, vice president of operations.
When the in-person classrooms that trainees attended once or twice a week were shut down, instructors held classes using Zoom and WebEx, and the apprentices were able to advance through the program and graduate.