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The Future of Home Building and Residential Construction

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PhiusCon 2023 will be in Houston, Texas, November 7–10, 2023. Photo courtesy Phius

PhiusCon, the leading passive building conference for climate-specific zero energy design, construction, and building science, heads to Houston this November 7-10, 2023. Hosted by Phius, a non-profit organization committed to decarbonizing the built environment, the conference brings together building science experts, manufacturers, and attendees who all seek to learn about and reduce the impact of buildings as a contributing factor to climate change.

Phius Certified buildings are uniquely designed for their environment with the grid in mind—providing energy independence and significantly less strain than traditional buildings. PhiusCon provides an introduction to the Phius community for building practitioners, policymakers, and students, equipping them with a blueprint to create more grid-friendly, resilient, healthy communities.

Tickets to PhiusCon Houston are selling now. The conference recently announced its lineup of keynote speakers, intro courses, and sessions.

PhiusCon 2023 Events Include:

  • Tour Notable Phius-Certified Passive House Projects throughout the city and surrounding suburbs (tour tickets sold separately). These intentionally designed homes maintain internal temperatures for longer periods of time, even without electricity, have superb indoor air quality due to balanced ventilation and use 40-60% less energy than traditional buildings.
  • Texas Case Studies Session: Five experienced passive building practitioners will share their experiences working on projects around Texas, the growth of passive building and affordable passive building strategies in the state.
  • Closing Keynote from Joseph Lstiburek, B.A.Sc., M.Eng., Ph.D., P.Eng., the founding principal of Building Science Corporation and an ASHRAE Fellow called “the Sherlock Holmes of construction” by Fast Company. Internationally recognized, his work has influenced building codes and standards in every climate zone.
  • Ninth Annual Phius Design Competition displaying the most innovative, high-performance Phius-certified projects for attendees to explore.
  • “The Phuture” Led by Pioneer of Passive Building and Visionary, Katrin Klingenberg, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Phius about the future of architecture and manufacturing, professional practice and re-thinking project phase structure in high-performance design and construction
  • Introductory Courses for Those New to Passive Building & Phius (admission sold separately):
    • Phius 101 for Builders, Architects & Engineers, Potential Homeowners & the Curious
    • Phius Project Certification Prep Course
    • Carbon Accounting & Optimization 101
    • And more
Conference room presentation with large croud
PhiusCon will allow attendees to learn how to reduce the impact of buildings as a contributing factor to climate change. Photo courtesy Phius

Attendees will also have the opportunity to explore a large exhibit hall brimming with state-of-the-art technologies and systems from leading manufacturers in the high-performance building industry. Companies and organizations relevant to passive and zero-energy building will be on-site for exploration and learning. The Exhibit Hall will be open to the public for a preview the night before the conference (November 7 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) at no cost, providing a unique opportunity to discover and learn for those interested in exploring Phius and passive building. PhiusCon attendees can also earn continuing education credit through AIA and Phius Professional CEUs.

The event welcomes everyone interested in learning how buildings and homes are a path to mitigating and adapting to the effects of climate change. Registration is available HERE.

About Phius
Phius is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization committed to decarbonizing the built environment by making high-performance passive building the mainstream market standard. We train and certify professionals, maintain and update the Phius climate-specific passive building standard, certify and quality assure passive buildings, certify high-performance building products and conduct research to advance high-performance building.
