For the fourth year in a row, Virginia and California were named the top two states for higher education in the U.S. States in other regions include Michigan, Iowa, Wyoming, and New York.
In Virginia, the data show that schools offer strong long-term value, as the 20-year average return on investment is $417,711. Virginia schools' graduation rate is at 71 percent, the second-highest in SmartAsset's study. Yet, the Old Dominion ranks in the bottom 10 for average net price of attending college. California schools, on the other hand, have the fifth-lowest average net price, and the second-highest 20-year return on investment in the study.
According to Census Bureau data from 2016, the average worker with a bachelor’s degree earns $51,600 per year. That is roughly $22,000 more than the average worker with a high school diploma earns and $30,000 more than a worker without a high school diploma earns. But, getting an education can be expensive and is getting increasingly so. From 2006 to 2016, the cost of college tuition and fees increased by 63 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.