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Floor heating manufacturer WarmlyYours says it has launched the “very first” combined shower waterproofing and floor heating kit that will make life easier for builders and contractors.

Julia Billen, owner and president of WarmlyYours, says the company took the step to introduce these kits as a way to address an unmet need in the marketplace.

“A huge number of people are installing floor heating with their waterproofing systems because they want their tile shower to feel as good as it looks,” says Julia Billen, the owner and president of WarmlyYours. “However, there hasn’t been an easy way to pair electric floor heating with these pre-sized shower waterproofing kits—until now.” 

The new kits provides a complete floor heating system, including the brand’s TempZone Shower Floor Heating Mat, an nSpire Touch programmable thermostat, and a Circuit Check electrical continuity alarm for installation.

WarmlyYours Shower Waterproofing and Floor Heating Kit Install Cross Section

But the kits also include all of the components for a shower waterproofing system. That list includes a high-density foam shower pan with integrated slope, a multi-piece drain assembly with easy-to-clean hair trap, shower curbs, a drain grate cover, and various pieces and rolls of waterproofing membrane. 

The company says the components offer some key advantages. For example the drain has an easy-to-clean integrated hair trap; the drain flange is rated at 780 pounds per square inch; and a denser shower pan that’s rated for 3.5 pounds per square foot, which means it allows for the installation of a greater range of tile types (including glass).

WarmlyYours kits are available in a variety of configurations based on the size and drain orientation: 32 inches by 60 inches with a center drain; 32 inches by 60 inches with an offset drain; and 48 inches by 48 inches with a center drain.

“Other customizable options include whether or not to include a floor heating system, whether the drain assembly’s flange is in PVC or ABS material (to ensure a proper connection to existing plumbing), and a choice of 25 different drain grate covers,” the company says.

