“World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get Millions of People to Spread Your Ideas and Share Your Stories”
by David Meerman Scott
The author of “A World Wide Rave” asserts a somewhat startling declaration: After the thoughtfully crafted press releases, ads and sales office displays touting your wonderful products, nobody really cares. Instead, you must concentrate on what your consumers care about: their own problems and how they can be solved.
David Meerman Scott, former vice president of marketing at NewsEdge Corp., an online news portal with $70 million in revenue, believes you can achieve the biggest marketing impact by creating online content relevant to your targeted customers. “When it's obvious that you understand your buyers and their problems, it jars your visitors into paying attention,” he says. He advocates spreading ideas, not generating leads, through social media tools such as blogs, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Creating a world-wide rave is virtually cost free and goes beyond traditional viral marketing, he says This book explains how to do it.
Available March 3
“Pow! Right Between the Eyes! Profiting from the Power of surprise”
When Oprah Winfrey announced “Everybody gets a car!” to an amazed studio audience, that was surprise marketing. And when Steve Jobs unveils Apple's latest innovation at MacWorld Expo, it's the surprise element that captures attention. Such is the secret to marketing success, suggests author Andy Nulman, a popular public speaker who has created two companies. The book is full of engaging cartoons and anecdotes that breathe life into his theories, and forewords are presented not by marketing gurus but by Craig Ferguson and John Cleese. (Surprise!)
Available Feb. 23
by Roy M. Spence Jr. and Haley Rushing
It's no stretch to say that the concept of corporate greed is a little off-putting in today's environment. In this contemplative book, the authors articulate a goal beyond making money: finding your corporate purpose and passion. They nail it down to three basic steps — find the thrill, have the will and ignite the passion — citing Southwest Airlines, Walt Disney Co., BMW and Google as companies that have clearly articulated their purpose and are enjoying success as a result.
Available Feb. 9