As with any appliance, a hot water heater has a certain life span and can fail within seven to 10 years of installation. The Water and Gas Safety Valve (WAGS) from Taco, a pump and electronic control manufacturer based in Rhode Island, shuts off both the gas and water feeds to a hot water heater in the event of a leak.
According to the company, a patented, moisture-resistant but water-soluble disc holds back a spring-loaded piston. If a leak causes the water in the drip pan at the base of the heater to rise to 3/4 inches, the disc dissolves and the piston moves forward, closing off the flow of the water to the tank and breaking the fuse that shuts off the gas line. Once triggered, the WAGS pops up a red flag so the homeowner knows the valve has been activated and the water leak has stopped.
The WAGS valve can be installed on a gas-fired or electric hot water heater.