We all know we do a great job, while we all can improve our business it’s just minor stuff, things are just great. But so often we are unaware of what is really going on and how much needs to be improved.
Here is the 'gorilla video', when you play it tell everyone to hold comments until you are done.
Ask them to count how many times the ball was passed between the players wearing white shirts, tell them you will have questions afterward.
After you play the video ask a question such as, how many passes did they make, who was the best? DON’T ask about the gorilla.
If no one brings up the gorilla THEN you can then ask for a show of hands about who did and didn’t see the gorilla. THEN pay it again so those that didn’t see it can actually see it this time.
The point is we all think we will see/know when something unusual/wrong is happening such as an error or defect in our work BUT this shows that this is not true. We all are SURE everything is checked but without an actual checklist, despite what we think we may have missed something.
Also what things in your business do you overlook, do you set expectations, do you know you have consistency in your process or for example does every crew do things differently and so only one crew does the work in the most efficient manner?
What is happening right in front of you that is hurting your business?
This is the explanation video
The Invisible Gorilla (featuring Daniel Simons) - Regional EMMY Winning Video
Here is the one to play at for your team