The NHQA Application is available for download at this link
For Questions on the application, please contact Serge Ogranovitch, NHQ Award Director at or by cell phone at 703 980 6565
What happens when you enter for an award? You win or you DON’T!
That’s it. You win you get a trophy if you don’t win that’s it, end of story all that effort wasted.
That’s NOT the NHQ Award! With the NHQA if you don’t earn an Award you get a detailed feedback report from a team of industry experts that provides you with actionable feedback that will help you improve your business!
In addition you can request a phone call with a NHQA member to provide insights into your feedback report. However, you may also qualify to get a site visit from an NHQA Team. This provides huge opportunities for detailed feedback on how to improve all aspects of your business.
Now if you do earn a NHQ Award, you STILL get the detailed feedback report. This provides the opportunity not only to know where and how to focus on improving your business but also the chance to improve and reapply the next year. A number of builders have done this and moved from Bronze to Silver to Gold and continued afterward using the feedback reports as a key part of their strategic planning. Oh and they also got a trophy. But as you see the NHQA is MUCH more that getting a trophy.
So whether you earn a NHQA or not, you still get a lot of value added!
So what are you waiting for, you want some way to boost your business, looking for insights to drive improvement, this is a win-win, apply for the NHQA!