Great Solutions for Builders Blog: Social media grows up Last month, I had the pleasure of spending a day in Seattle speaking to local home builders and remodelers about the growing importance of...
blog_entry The birds, bees, flowers, and trees Oh yes, and let’s not forget the fish. ITS BREEDING SEASON! For those of you that have inherited projects with regulatory agency...
Quality Management FOCUS GROUPS You may feel that by talking with customers on a regular basis and reviewing surveys, that you have you finger on the pulse of your...
Quality Management TRADE RELATIONSHIPS For a real relationship with trade PARTNERS we need to practice what we preach. First of all do you have a good partnership and relationship...
Quality Management CONSTRUCTION QUALITY This is where so much time, effort and money is lost. Doing it right the first time, not having rework, call backs, defects and warranty...
The Sweet Spot NARI members optimistic about market Jersey City, NJ -- Writing from the NARI Spring Business Meeting here, and the news seems to be mostly positive.Most remodelers I've...
Quality Management TUNNEL VISION A critical danger in any business is tunnel vision. The focus on just one thing at the expense of others! We can be the best at one...
Quality Management LEADERSHIP & REFLECTION QUESTIONS It’s a cliché but everything starts with and ends with Leadership. It’s from leadership that the vision comes, the inspiration for the...
Quality Management HOW QUALITY TOOLS & HIGH PERFORMING HOMES PROGRAMS FIT INTO NHQA The NHQA criteria may look simple at first glance, just 8 headings, but this is deceptive, it has depth and complexity. Think of the range...