Great Solutions for Builders 6 ‘Toll-isms’ to live by “You Can Buy More Land in an Afternoon… Than You Can Get Rid of in a Lifetime.” This simple home-building proverb sits framed, front...
Building Operations In 2013, give the gift of MOPFI. MOPFI (MOP-fee) Make Other People Feel Important The holiday season is rife with platitudes. Things...
Customer Satisfaction Lessons Learned from Lance Armstrong There is no question that Lance Armstrong has one of the most unique comeback and sporting histories of all time. He was a little known...
Building Operations What “The Elf on the Shelf” can teach you about productivity, leadership. The Elf on my Shelf isn’t working effectively. Instead of duping my 5 year-old into behaving like a Christmas angel, it’s giving...
The Lean Builder How do you lead a leader? Looking for some answers! My December column just came out on and you can read it here:
Quality Management The number of responses needed for statistically valid customer survey results It is critical to know what our customers think of living in the homes we build for them and what it was like to be involved in the design...
Building Operations Spanish Twins: The fastest way to learn Construction Spanish. 1. Metal 2. Material 3. Plan 4. Base 5. Idea 6. Hospital 7. Doctor 8. Vertical 9. Horizontal 10. Diagonal ...
Building Operations What's in your vocab? 2 words for a smarter vocabulary. 1. Twitter 2. Gangnam Style 3. Like 4. Gronkowski 5. Angry Birds 6. Linsanity 7. Kardashian 8. Middleton 9. 50 Shades ...
Quality Management Sources of quality defects in construction projects A recent research study on quality in construction projects established the following Quality Problem Factors as the sources of quality...
Building Operations Rented profits + 3.5 steps to reduce your risk. Do you know what the Spanish term for Profitability is? It’s Rentabilidad. RENTABILIDAD (rayn-tah-bee-lee-DAHD) Profitability ...
Building Operations Are you demographically delusional? Remember the DeLorean? If the name doesn’t conjure up an immediate mental image, this will: Remember the car from Back to the Future? ...
Lean Design Two great things IBS can do to help your business in 2013 It is clear that a housing recovery ground swell is underway. In 2013 we will be looking past survival and finally able to focus on business...
Great Solutions for Builders The design side - Kicking it up a notch Come January 2013, we’re taking HousingZone’s already stellar coverage of residential design to a new level. Look for weekly blog posts from...
Quality Management Trade scorecards Some things to consider when evaluating your trade partners and creating a scorecard include the following: Defects Their scores on...
Quality Management Which Quality tools are most commonly used? In a recent study the following quality tools were found to be the most commonly and successfully used: Identification and leverage of...
Quality Management Study supports the use of Baldrige Criteria for improving construction management of LEED projects This study provides further evidence that that integrating quality tools and methods into green building creates greater leverage! In this...
Quality Management The impact of Six Sigma In a new study on Six Sigma the savings to cost ratio ranged from 2.6 : 1 through to 2 : 1. As for cost savings as a percentage of...
Quality Management A high level, 7 step process for improvement Where to start with trying to address improvement. Here is a high level approach. Identify the area for improvement Establish your...
Customer Satisfaction The Teamwork Fable - 4 Oxen & The Lion We all know that teamwork is an important ingredient in building great homes and great relationships with our customers. This importance is...
Lean Design The Lean design builder profile is changing For the last several years Scott Sedam and I have been spreading the word about Lean design. Lean design is based on creating home designs...
Quality Management Don’t create a bad impression with the simple things in sales Don't turn a potential customer into someone who turns around and leaves
Great Solutions for Builders Housing’s virtuous circle As an editor of one of the nation’s largest business publications covering home building, I’m frequently asked about the state of the...
Quality Management What do you call someone who doesn’t purchase from you? An ambassador for your company! Just because you don’t close that sale doesn’t mean that you should disengage with that potential...
Lean Design The British are coming! Why English exteriors are making a huge comeback If you were ever fortunate enough to have had a pair of parachute pants, checkered Vans or a headband then you probably remember the super...
Quality Management Voice of the customer VOC How are you listening to the Voice Of your Customer? A survey finds that 52% of organizations use 3 to 4 methods to gather VOC data and 22%...
Education + Training Home Builders Institute's Schools to Skills Grant Application Open Through December