Building Operations Using a outside consultant could give you the extra you need..... From 1979 to 2001 I worked in high level positions within corporate America. I was always surprised over the number of consultants that...
Building Operations The white elephant still exist for leaders in coaching For over 30 years I have worked with executives that indicate they are interested in improving their skills, leadership ability or their...
Building Operations Are you afraid of getting better? As a consultant, I literally spend 30 hours a week on the phone with builder owners, CEO’s and senior level staff of Home builder’s, Real...
The Sweet Spot More doubling up impacting housing trends The latest numbers from the Census Bureau confirms what we've all been seeing: more people are doubling-up. Whether it's getting a roommate...
Lean Design My biggest eye opener relating to the building business — Lean Tuesday with Todd Hallett We all have our eye opening moments in life. When I was 17 my dad would often remind me to keep checking the oil in my 72 Bonneville. I did...
Quality Management Risk Management for Home Builders Don't get caught out. Know the risks and prepare for risk management
The Lean Builder You don't have time NOT to do this Probably the simultaneously most understandable yet least valid excuse for not launching a Lean implementation is that your staff is...
The Sweet Spot Tablet Revolution It seems hard to believe now, but when the iPad was introduced last year, there was a lot of question about whether or not Apple had finally...
Building Operations Save $5 a square foot with the right integrated software system From the year 1999 to 2001 I led the enterprise wide SAP conversion for a top ten builder. Up until that time, very little was ever seen of...
Quality Management BIM are we using it to its max and not forgetting quality? BIM is technology which can be of enormous help. It can of course be a great tool to help us integrate for example design and estimating. It...
Lean Design Design checklists made simple Check yourself before you wreck yourself. This delightful saying comes from a rap song by Ice Cube. Mr. Cube’s message urges us all to make...
Quality Management An impact of quality video, a builders view So often I hear builders say that quality may work in manufacturing plants, but not out here building homes. Well of course it does work,...
Great Solutions for Builders Don’t let stock market swings impact sales One of the many harsh realities we’ve grown accustomed to during this economic downturn is the turbulent nature of stock market indices,...
Building Operations Using Performance Feedback to increase Productivity In speaking to many builders and re-modelers weekly, it has been interesting to take note that the classic performance appraisal has fallen...
Building Operations How to get your Real Estate Firm to Perform For several years I led 600 real estate agents across multiple markets. About 20% of my business involved the Homebuilder. Here’s what I...
Quality Management Do you want fries with that? While dining at a restaurant recently I was asked by the waiter how my meal was and if there was anything that could be improved. The meal...
The Lean Builder Rebid redux — Lean Tuesday with Scott Sedam As a dedicated practitioner of Lean process and methods, one of the more aggravating things I sometimes hear is a builder bragging about how...
Lean Design 6 elevation tips that will help your framer ‘make it look like the picture’ Have you ever heard a framer say, “I just make it look like the picture”? I have — far too often. They are referring to a lack of elevation...
Quality Management Now is the time for 100% customer satisfaction and operational improvement: Your trades as true expert partners While all builders are trying to become leaner, more innovative and customer focused to impact the bottom line, we should not forget about...
Quality Management Measure twice and cut once Measure twice and cut once. I think that is probably the first thing I ever learnt in construction and I learnt it as a kid listening to my...
Quality Management Steve Jobs and Leadership In the wake of Steve Jobs retirement announcement as CEO, Apple shares fell by 5%. For most people Apple is Steve Jobs, so that’s not a...
The Sweet Spot Obama administration housing "stimulus" underwhelming The New York Times today has more information on what the Obama administration is considering to stimulate the housing industry (and hence...
The Lean Builder Lean means cheap, ugly houses – NOT! Todd Hallett and I are working with a fantastic smaller builder in California this week. They really “get it” and are very open to input...
Lean Design Construction drawings – starting right — Lean Tuesday with Todd Hallett As I sit on a plane bound for Fresno I am procrastinating. I know I have to put together this week’s blog but there are a few things to...
Quality Management Performance excellence self-assessment table From Cargill to Caterpillar, from Motorola and Boeing to Ritz Carlton they all use the Baldrige Criteria to successfully drive performance...
Education + Training Home Builders Institute's Schools to Skills Grant Application Open Through December