Codes + Standards Wind uplift tests help assess home hurricane resilience Two types of tests can help determine a roof's endurance
Codes + Standards California water efficiency regulations may discourage home improvements Four-year-old Senate bill requires water-efficient fixtures for additions and remodels
Codes + Standards First quarter 2014 LEED rating system addenda now available Seventy-one total new LEED interpretations now offered by USGBC
Codes + Standards Innovative materials could transform the future of sustainable building Bacteria-infused concrete, hybrid bricks among results of product design challenge
Codes + Standards Several myths hinder installation of green roofs on residential properties Fear of leaks is among the most prevalent misconceptions
Codes + Standards The incandescent light bulb is not dead More efficient incadescents are hitting the market as an alternative to more expensive compact fluorescents or LEDs
Codes + Standards Architect sentenced to a year in jail for firefighter's death Outdoor fireplaces hidden inside the house violated local building codes.
Codes + Standards Precast concrete duplex in Edmonton, Alberta achieves net zero Insulation values are approximately three times the amount of an average home
Codes + Standards Architect sentenced to a year in jail for firefighter's death Outdoor fireplace hidden inside violated local building codes
Codes + Standards United Association, NRDC seek major plumbing code changes Coalition pushing insulation for all hot water piping systems in 2015 code updates