Codes + Standards San Francisco voters approve tougher affordability requirement on new housing development The measure will require residential developments of 25 units or more to include 25% affordable units.
Brick / Masonry / Concrete American Concrete Institute Releases New Guide to Shotcrete New guide includes information on application procedures and testing for sprayed concrete
Codes + Standards Homeowners continue to be willing to pay more for green features—up to a point Of the 150 homebuyers surveyed by NAHB, 90 percent said Energy Star appliances were essential or desirable.
Codes + Standards Home-loans credit standards should loosen A chief economist says he expects a loosening of the recent tight credit standards presumably caused by the “Know Before You Owe” rule.
Codes + Standards Concrete Institute publishes document providing concrete curing guidance This guide reviews and describes practices, procedures, materials, and monitoring methods for the external curing of concrete and provides guidance for specifying curing procedures.
Codes + Standards Supreme Court ruling could aid developers on properties containing wetlands The decision may streamline the approval process for people and companies seeking to develop wetlands.
Codes + Standards Growing number of large homebuilders adopting use of aerial drones Some 41% of builders with 100 unit starts or more said they would use drones within the next three years.
Codes + Standards Regulatory costs preventing construction of entry-level homes Regulatory compliance has driven up the price of a new home by an average of 30% in the last five years.
Codes + Standards Floating house prototypes designed to cope with sea level rise Recent floating home prototypes have emerged in the U.K., Spain, and Nigeria.
Resilient Construction Federal agencies boost standards for more resilient construction HUD, FEMA, GSA, Army Corps of Engineers make policy changes.