Trends Is Multigenerational Living the Next Big Housing Trend? In-laws moving in may be the occasional punchline in Hollywood, but builders are reporting that more clients are actually planning for their...
Demographics 5 Post-Pandemic Builder Opportunities in the Next 'Great American Move' Once the country reopens, pent-up demand may ignite the next “Great American Move,” according to John Burns Real Estate Consulting. After...
Master Planned Communities Master Plan Maneuvers: Product Segmentation Strategies A look at how properly segmenting product types in a master plan requires forethought and synergy across teams
Economics Consumer Confidence Drops to Lowest Level in Nearly a Decade With many Americans facing uncertainty in their employment, health, and everyday lives, it makes sense that they lack confidence in the...
Affordability Housing Affordability Falls Due to Economic Instability Finding affordable housing was already a challenge for many Americans, but spiking unemployment, salary reductions, and slashed hours are...
Sales NAHB Housing Trends Report: Homebuyers Are Spending More Time Searching Though nearly half of Americans who considered buying a home in the first quarter of 2020 have moved to actively searching for a home, they...
Demographics Meet the Older Boomers Buying Homes In case your head is not already spinning from all the possible buyer demographics to keep tabs on, let us introduce you to another segment,...
Demographics Buyer Optimism on Affordability Decreases With Each Generation But Low Overall Members of Gen Z are becoming known for their cynicism, and on NAHB’s first quarter of 2020 homebuyer survey, their outlook on affordability...
Sales Top 10 Cities With Sharpest Drops in Home Listings Though the coronavirus pandemic is putting a strain on almost all metro housing markets, it is hitting some cities harder than others. But...
Demographics 7 Key Insights Into American Mobility: Who Is Moving and Why? When you’re in the business of building homes, knowing your buyer demographics is key, and it helps to have a pulse on who is moving and why...