Demographics Why Are Millennials Buying Smaller Houses? Millennials who are able to be homebuyer prospects are seeking not only smaller houses, but also ones that are more energy efficient and...
Demographics Is California Turning Into 1980s Detroit? The California Dream isn’t the magnet it once was as 2.2 million residents have left the state since 2002, and a new poll indicates that the...
Demographics Fastest Growing U.S. Cities in 2019 WalletHub compared 515 U.S. cities of varying population sizes to determine where the fastest economic growth occurred. The list is...
Demographics The Model for Active Adult Communities Is Changing Younger baby boomers are still working and more likely to stay put, but older members of this generation are willing to move. However, what...
Demographics Gap Between the Haves and Older Have Nots Likely to Worsen A new Harvard study shows the inequality of wealth and opportunity that has become a stubborn feature of American life is being entrenched...
Demographics Why This Urban Millennial Loves Her Small Town For the fourth consecutive year, U.S. census figures have shown that thousands of Millennials and younger Gen Xers are leaving big cities....
Demographics The Rich Keep Getting Richer America’s richest residents haven’t been this wealthy since right before the Great Depression. A recent report from the Federal Reserve...
New-Home Sales Millennials Are Buying: Sheryl Palmer One out of three Taylor Morrison buyers during July and August were Millennials. Five years ago that generation made up 20% of the...
Demographics More Space for Babies When it comes to square footage, Millennials want more home than Gen X and Baby Boomers. The National Association of Home Builders pulled...
Demographics Young Adults Are More Mobile Than Previous Generations Young adults who were able live move out of their parents’ home and live on their own are changing addresses more often compared with...