Barbara Allen, a housing analyst with Arnhold & Breichroeder Inc., is convinced housing price reversals will take the entire economy into a deeper recession as soon as 2003.
If the adage 'the best time to ask for money is when you don’t need it' is true, then this is the perfect time for builders to fortify their credit lines.
It’s curious that builders who would argue with a subcontractor or supplier over a fractional cent per square foot for the cost of buying or installing drywall would leave large sums of cash in bank accounts that yield little or no interest.
If you’re building out a subdivision and have a preferred mortgage lender to ease the purchase process for your buyers, are you taking advantage of all the programs the lender offers?
Mortgage rates are expected to rise later this year. Builders catering to first-time buyers are expected to be the most affected. We asked three who build starter homes about the likely impact.
With homeownership at a record level of about 68%, a burning question among economists and housing industry watchers is how high it ultimately will go.