ASHRAE 90.2-2018 raising the bar on energy efficiency for new homes, Associated Builders and Contractors' annual investment in workforce development, Colorado's potential upgrade to energy and water standards, heat pumps reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Developers and owners can join AIA's 2030 commitment to create carbon neutral buildings, developments, and renovations; new concrete manufacturing technique that may help reverse advance of climate change, Skender and Z Modular coming to Chica
Millennials and technology seem like a natural pairing, but does this tech-savvy generation really dig the smart products being marketed to them? We found 15 smart home products these homebuyers actually want.
Homes with solar panels sell for an average 4.1 percent more than comparable homes without solar panels in their local markets. That's according to the latest Zillow study.
Millions of homes may be lost to flooding from climate change by 2100, L.A. County's first sustainability plan, ICC's legal battle, investment capital flooding coastal home developments at risk for flooding, and Tesla's solar sales
LEED v4.1 now available, the risk of ill-fitting construction equipment for women, renters' electric car conundrum, Chicago's passive house passes polar vortex test, and addressing affordable workforce housing shortages
Chicago's major building code overall, new and innovative building and construction materials and tech, climate change making insurance unaffordable for many, the pitfalls of smart home devices, and Boston's affordable housing initiative
New LEED credit for timber traceability, ICC code releases for repurposed shipping containers, San Francisco clears ADU permit backlog, tech keys to affordable housing, and a 3D-printed 2,000 square-foot home