What is more fearsome to home builders than a prodigious wood-eater like the Formosan termite... the bugs or a law written to curb their spread? Louisiana builders, until recently, would have pointed to the law.
That consumers are transforming the Internet from an information medium to a transaction medium is well documented by the explosive growth of online merchants like Amazon.com.
Framing homes with steel has been an alternative to traditional softwood framing for many years without any sign that it would ever gain widespread acceptance in the marketplace, but that may be changing.
Developers can gain a competitive edge today and add lasting value to their multi-family housing communities by offering residents their own place in the sun. Sunroom additions have become more practical than ever
Building materials dealers have another powerful tool to add to their collections--but they need not worry about finding extra room in their trucks or on their shelves because it's a virtual tool that harnesses the power of the Internet.
Recent customer surveys show that decks are one of the top three desired features in a home. A well-built, well-maintained deck is also a sound resale investment. Statistics show homeowners can recover up to 85% of the original construction costs.
Contrary to the national findings, New York City experienced a large increase in first-time buyer market share, to 56.9% versus the national average of 44.7%.