Demographics Pandemic-Related Economic Challenges Disproportionately Impacted Minority Households A survey of 20,000 adults across 20 major metro areas nationwide found Black, Latino, lower-income, and renter households were more likely...
Market Data + Trends The Housing Market's Two Biggest Challenges June marked the third consecutive month of new single-family home sale declines, and the reasons why have spurred debates, says the National...
Off-Site Construction 3D-Printed Communities, Modular Townhomes: Off-Site Construction Projects Happening Across the Country Off-site construction methods are nothing new, but new advancements and upcoming housing projects hint at a tech-forward future. Pair that...
Financials Financial Institutions' Effect on Today's Housing Market The housing market isn’t just hot for homebuyers—Wall Street banks are throwing their hats into the ring, too. The only difference is these...
Economics 10 States With the Highest, Fastest-Growing GDP Each state has experienced economic recovery from the pandemic in very different ways, with some doing better than others. Forbes analyzed...
Economics Increasing Home Values Lift 1 Million Homes from 'Underwater' Status Home value increases have taken more than 1 million homes out of an “underwater” status, meaning the loans secured by the property were 25%...
Affordability Home Affordability Falls in the Second Quarter The share of homes affordable to families earning the U.S. median income fell sharply from the first quarter to the second quarter of 2021....
Design 8 Ways to Reflect Daily Lifestyle Needs in Your Floor Plans Home design solutions that make life easier for occupants, including messy kitchens, welcome-home valets, and power pantries
Home Design How a Designer Tackled This 35-Foot-Wide Infill Project Residential architecture firm Housing Design Matters found a quaint open lot in the town of Greenville, S.C., but the infill presented...
Labor + Trade Relations Industry's Skilled Labor Shortage Worse Than Pre-Pandemic There were 50% more construction job openings between May and June 2021 than before the pandemic, with most positions remaining open for an...