Demographics Where Are Retirees Moving in 2020? Retirees are ready to get out. Roughly 930,000 people aged over 60 moved out of state in 2018. In order to get a better sense of where they...
Sales New Tool By Rates Noise Down to Property Level The new noise indicator by can provide data down to the property level, which is the most specific information on noise levels...
Affordability How the Rise of the McMansion Is Coming Back to Bite Us The traditional American way is to build big, but more potential homebuyers are now interested in affordable alternatives. But what has...
Economics Will the Stock Market Plunge Take Down the Housing Market? Experts Say Probably Not. Whispers on the street are starting to compare the plunging stock market to the days before the Great Recession, but economists say that the...
Financing Refinancing Boom Has Lenders Struggling to Keep Up Low rates are great for builders—for lenders, however, not so much. Not only do they lead to less return for the companies after people rush...
Sales Spring Is Set to Bring a Stellar Buying Season. Are You Prepared? It may feel like we just caught our breath from the winter holidays, but here we are at spring’s doorstep once again. And the housing market...
Building Materials Two Tree Species Native to the Northeast Found Suitable for CLT Two tree species native to the Northeast have been found to be structurally sound for use in cross-laminated timber (CLT) products. Eastern...
Construction Quality How to Avoid Cracks in Post-Tensioned Concrete Slab Foundations How home builders can avoid cracks in a post-tensioned slab-on-grade foundation by preventing certain errors during the installation process
Codes + Standards Prescient Receives ICC Certification for Seismic Resilience System Prescient, a digital design-build company focused on modular multi-unit housing, has received certification from the International Code...
Economics Is the Housing Market Close to Balanced? Though the housing industry is currently experiencing an inventory shortage, economist Bill Conerly says the market is actually close to...