Codes + Standards Buildings Most Damaged in Alaskan Quake Were Outside Code Enforcement Zone Buildings in certain parts of the Anchorage area suffered more damage than in other sections of the metro area from a 7.1-Magnitude...
Demographics The Most and Least Expensive Places to Retire in 2019 When you are on a fixed income, picking a place to retire that won’t break the bank means you can retire in peace—save for the frantic calls...
Economics Small Business Confidence Spikes in Highest Jump in 18 Months What recession? Positive earnings coupled with tax breaks led small business owners to expect conditions to improve in the coming months,...
Kitchen 8 Luxury Kitchen Upgrades on People’s 2020 Wishlist Need inspiration for your next new kitchen designs? Check out these 8 luxury upgrades that will elevate the space from charming to stunning....
Housing Markets Which 5 Cities Are Driving Tech-Growth Today? Out of hundreds of U.S. cities, a mere five hold 90 percent of all high-tech job growth in the last decade. Because tech thrives on a high...
Trends 3 Macro Trends That Will Guide Kitchen and Bath Design in 2020 Cabinets, appliances, color palettes...the devil is in the details. If builders want to create a show-stopping house, getting the kitchen...
Sales How the iBuyers Strategy Is Winning Over Southern Markets Instant buyers, or iBuyers, are picking up steam, especially in the South. In a year, real estate companies that leverage technology to...
Codes + Standards Durability Is Critical to Building Low-Carbon Homes Building a low-carbon-embedded home is the new green goal for some homebuilders. The durability of the structure is an important...
Economics What Will Happen to the Housing Market in 2020? Potential homebuyers looking to settle down in 2020 should be ready to strike: Mortgage rates are low, but inventory will remain scarce. As...
Financing Refinancing Resurges As Homeowners Withdrew $36 Billion in Equity Cha-ching. Americans are making serious money moves. Homeowners withdrew $36 billion in equity since the last quarter of 2018, hitting a 12...