Codes + Standards California Could Fine Cities That Don’t Meet Housing Requirements A new agreement between California’s executive and legislative branches would fine cities and counties that don't plan to accommodate...
Financing These 25 Cities Are Seeing Rising Home Values Forbes found 25 U.S. cities where home values are still rising over 10% year-over-year. The Mountain division stands out notably among...
Home Technology How Technology Affects the Economics of Housing Instant buying technology could provide a market-maker in the next economic downturn, Bloomberg reports. But the real potential of...
Trends Rising U.S. Home Prices Are Affecting Internal Migration National Mortgage News reports that high home prices are leading more Americans to stay put, slowing down internal migration. Exorbitant...
Economics Home Builders See Hope in the Market Two home builders report optimism in the housing market, despite weak sales numbers and low inventory, MarketWatch reports. “Our results...
Economics Home Sales Are Up in Florida Florida markets are contradicting national trends of slowing home sales, with growth rates up to 6.6% year-over-year in some counties in May...
Labor + Trade Relations Construction Jobs Grew in May According to the National Association of Home Builders, construction jobs were up 3% year-over-year nationally in May, well above the 1.6%...
Financing West Coast Home Prices Fell in April Home prices, adjusted for inflation, fell year-over-year in four West Coast metros and Chicago in April, including a nearly 2% drop in...
Solar Residential Solar Market Slowing; Industry Looks to Expand Into New Regions Market growth for rooftop solar panels has slowed to 5% this year after growing 8% in 2018, according to the energy research firm Wood...
Multifamily Tenants and Homeowners Believe Renting Is More Affordable Than Buying reports that the majority of renters believe that renting is more affordable than buying a home, and increasingly more...