Housing Giants 2019 Housing Giants Report: Easy Does It Solutions combining two or more phases of the construction process to achieve greater productivity and performance are poised to upset the status quo
Housing Giants 2019 Housing Giants Report: Stretching Out Diversification helps midsize production builders compete with their bigger brethren
Affordability 11 Affordable Suburbs Near the Largest U.S. Metros Realtor.com found the most affordable suburbs within reach of the country’s 11 largest metropolitan areas. In recent years, many aspiring...
Trends Sixty-Plus and Renting In New York City, senior renters are starting to overtake senior homeowners. The New York Times reports that of the 30 largest cities in...
Education + Training A Summer Camp for Future Builders The Building Industry Association of Southern California is introducing Junior Builder Camp, a summer program for kids who like to build. ...
Financing Ginnie Mae Moves to Curb Churning Government-backed Ginnie Mae has released a proposal to curb churning, a practice of repeated and unnecessary refinancing. According to...
Affordability Denver Draws Millennials Despite Rising Home Prices A recent study from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) found that Denver ranks in the top 10 cities attracting and retaining...
Multifamily The Future of Senior Living As multigenerational living becomes more popular, the residential construction industry is developing new ways to house an aging population....
Financing Rising Construction Costs Leave Homes Underinsured in Disaster-Prone Areas The rising cost of construction labor and materials has left many homes underinsured against damage from extreme weather. CNBC reports...
Business Management On-Site vs. Off-Site: a Total Cost Analysis for Home Builders Most builders and component suppliers do a marginal job of calculating true, fully loaded, total cost when comparing various methods. It’s time to remedy that